Wednesday, August 31, 2016

New 3D prints

A couple of new things that I made and got back after they were 3D printed.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Cyborg 009 revisited

My reinterpretation of on of the cyborgs from the Cyborg 009 anime.

Nobody's fool

An old character that I just digital colored

3D Prints

Some new 3D prints of my sculpts that I just got back.


A little drawing that I did of Spider-Man after he snags Captain Americas shield.   Started this after seeing Spider-Man in the Civil War trailer and finally had a chance to digitally color it.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Pixel Art

Here is some pixel art I've been working on trying to expand my skill set.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Devil of Hell's Kitchen

My rendition of Marvel Comics Daredevil.  Based on the Netflix series design.

Luke Cage

SWEET CHRISTMAS!!!  It's Luke Cage from Marvel Comics and that's no fiddle faddle.   

Jessica Jones

My rendition of Jessica Jones; a little mix of the Netflix and Marvel Comics design of her.  Though it favors the Netflix version more.

Iron Fist

A little sketchbook pro drawing done of Iron Fist from Marvel Comics.  Can't wait to see this series on Netflix.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mudbox 3D sculpts

Here are a couple 3D sculptures that I did in Mudbox; trying to learn more and step my game up.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Some Marvel characters

A couple of iPad sketches I did of Marvel characters.


Luke Cage:

Iron Fist:

Friday, January 1, 2016


Another old drawing that I thru some color on to practice my digital color skills.


This was an old drawing of Cannonbusters characters Philly the Kid and Casey Turnbuckle that I finally decided to digital color.